martes, 30 de noviembre de 2010

EXAM (4th course of Primary Education)


1.Complete the sentences using the verb have got:
She..................dirty feet (-)
I ...................two eyes (+)
He ..................curly hair ( -)
You...............big ears(+)

2.Translate the following sentences:

Ella tiene cinco dedos …………………………………………………
Él no tiene el pelo liso………………………………………………....
Yo no tengo los pies grandes………………………………………....
¿Tú tienes tres orejas? No..............................................................


Canario:                                            pony:                                      tortuga:
Conejo:                                             hamster:                                pez:

4.Verb ”have got”
Affirmative                 Negative                               Interrogative
I’ve got                       I…………….                         Have I got?
You…………             You haven’t got           
He…………..            He hasn’t got                        ........he........?
She’s got                   She.................                       Has she got?
It…………..                It hasn’t got                  
We................. We haven’t got                     .........we......?
You’ve got                 You.................                        Have you got?
They..........                 They haven’t got                   ...........they got?

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